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It's our desire to worship in harmony with God’s Word.  Visitors are always impressed by the unique beauty of Scriptural worship.


Our purely vocal singing emphasizes the heart, mirroring the careful practice of the early church (Ephesians 5:19).


Our weekly observance of the Lord’s Supper centers hearts and minds on the essence of the Gospel every single Sunday (I Corinthians 11:23-34).


Freewill contributions allow us to advance the cause of the Lord’s church without making visitors feel forced to give (I Corinthians 16:2; II Corinthians 9:7).


Bible classes are offered for all ages and cover a variety of topics.  Children and adults alike will grow as they open God’s Word and interact with others.


We would love for you to come visit us at East Ridge!  Our church family finds great strength in diversity and consists of all ages, personalities, talents and professions.  When you visit, you will find friendly Christians engaged in uplifting worship.


The Bible teaches that when one actively believes in Christ, by turning away from sin and being immersed in water, God adds that person to the saved body of Christ (Acts 2:36-41).


Scripture also describes the true church as being “one body” (Ephesians 4:4).  “For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body” (I Corinthians 12:13).


We believe and teach that the true church consists of every redeemed sinner who has been gracefully added to the one body of Christ through total submission to God’s Word.


Are you part of the one body that Scripture describes?  Do you realize your role in putting Christ to death?  Are you determined to turn away from sin and submit fully to God’s Word?  Are you willing to confess your belief in Jesus Christ as your Savior?  Have you been baptized into water for the forgiveness of your sins?


If not, then you have yet to actively believe.  We know that inactive belief does not lead to salvation, “for even the demons believe” (James 2:19).


If you truly believe the Bible is God’s Message for you, then your attention and submission to that Message is surely crucial!  Only when you submit your life to God will He add you to the church His Son died to redeem and claim. Our prayer is that you will actively believe, becoming part of Christ’s one body!

East Ridge Church of Christ   |   951 McBrien Rd   |   Chattanooga, TN 37412   |   (423) 894-7221   |

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